food for Thought

System Dynamic Model for Supply Chain Management
System Dynamics of Supply Chain

Impact on the Economy of High Taxes on Transport Fuels
A sudden drop in crude prices had raised expectations of end consumers that retail prices of transport fuel would decrease but both the Central Government and State responded by slapping additional taxes.

Trikal Bhagwad Gita
The story of Bhagwad Gita’s evolution, will make the experience of reading Gita more enriching.

Theory of Five Whys
Identifying the root problems in systems and processes is not always easy. The simple theory of 5 ‘Whys’ helps in narrowing down the cause which eventually helps the performance of the industry in the long-term.

All inventories are hidden inefficiencies of the system
Inventories are like invisible pits under flowing water where money (working capital) is absorbed which is not visible in the system.

Emerging Trends in LNG Pricing
With more number of buyers & sellers in#LNG global trade and increased availability of Spot Cargoes, new pricing trends are emerging in due course of time.